Fair Week

2018 fair season has come to an end, what a whirlwind of craziness and joy.  This year the Posse has three members participating and wearing whites.  Layla headed up the crew with over 21 entries, from showing goats, chickens and more. 



Wyatt and Birdy had another amazing year under the wings of the primary group, they each were able to participate in Poultry and gardening. We also threw together a few special crafts, like a beer can turtle also known as recycled art and managed to place high in each category!




  We come from a long line of 4-H and FFA members, yet it is really a unique experience to see it now through the eyes of a mother. 



After lots of washing, washing birds, washing whites, and washing sticky food off little hands and faces, fair week has ended leaving us with another set of wonderful memories!


Lauren Strickler Prosser